TYPE : HFC (Hydrofluorocarbons)
R-404A is a near-azeotropic (mixture of substances that has the same concentration of vapour and fluid phases) & HFC blend refrigerant consisting of HFC-125 (44%), HFC-143a (52%), and HFC-134a (4%).
During the last 10 to 15 years R404A has become one of the most widely used refrigerants. It was introduced in the mid-1990s as a replacement for ozone depleting refrigerants including CFCs (such as R12 and R502) and more recently as a replacement for HCFCs (such as R22).
In the supermarket sector it has become the dominant refrigerant across Europe for both chilled and frozen food refrigeration. It is also used widely in other commercial systems, commercial refrigeration: plug in & vending machine, Transport refrigeration, and also industrial refrigeration.
Although R404A is an Non-flammable refrigerant with a safety classification of A1, it is coming under greater scrutiny due to its high Global Warming Potential, leading to an increased focus on lower GWP alternatives such as R407A, R407F and R442A. These refrigerants have less than half the GWP of R404A and can often deliver a 10 per cent to 15 per cent improvement in efficiency in a well managed retrofit programme.

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